Crossover Ganymede “6.2 ( NEW )


The Crossover Ganymede tailor made in collaboration with Whitney Vermeer is the newest addition to the North American Collection. This shear uses the The CR-2 as it’s base model, and it’s aesthetics are as remarkable as it is to cut with.

*This tool is limited to size “6.2

The Ganymede is created with Nano Powder Metal® (extremely small particles that leave for 0% impurities when looked at under a microscope ) and provides a sharp and clean cut to the hair ends. This type of metal is unlike any other in the market. This latest high-tech development in scissor production uses powder metallurgy to produce scissors of unprecedented strength and sharpness. While other companies claim to use ” powder ” or ” Nano Powder Metal “, it is important to ask questions such as ” where is your metal researched ” where is it sourced ” and confirm the validity of these claims. Mizutani has and always will be committed to quality over anything. You can find the information pertaining to the research it has taken as well as what Nano Powder Metal® is and is not here.

Building Material

Nano Powder Metal®



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